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Fusano KankikuOCEAN 99 凪 Spring misty純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Nagi Spring misty, the second bottle in the OCEAN 99 series. The moment it is opened, the bubbles rise with the strength of gas. Even after pouring it into a glass, the bubbles continued to rise. I compared it with the Ginkai Departure that was opened the day before, but the taste was different. The sweetness and sharpness are softer and gentler than the Silver Sea. It was moderately sour and had a lychee-like fruitiness. The slightly sweet light nigori reminds us of soft, hazy sunlight. The bubbles popping in the mouth may be the shining surface of the water. The pleasant bitterness in the aftertaste reminds me of rape blossoms and butterbur sprouts, which brings to mind a scene when the cold has eased and a faint hint of spring can be felt, rather than the full bloom of spring. It is that moment when one's heart suddenly feels lighter after passing through the long tunnel of winter. It is fun to imagine the meaning behind the flavors of sake with a theme. Of course, each person has his or her own way of feeling, but when you imagine the thoughts of the makers, you can strongly feel that the sake in front of you was made by the hands of human beings.