SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Cold sake (The brewery's recommendation is "on the rocks" since it is an 18% pure sake, but we impatiently tasted it straight) My impression is abstract and meaningless. The "Kuroryu taste" that you feel the moment you drink it is impressive. I don't feel it so much with Jungin. It might be the taste of alcohol added to Kuroryu. Since I drank it straight from the bottle, the attack is naturally strong and the sharpness is considerable, but there is no unpleasant feeling at all! I'm not in any way in awe or awe of the legendary brewery. I am not in awe or awe of legendary breweries, but I am consistently impressed by Koryu's sake, regardless of the type. I feel a dignified presence that makes me want to straighten up my residence. I feel a sense of dignity.