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🐢 I looked at the menu for Shinmasa, but hesitated because the prices were too good to be true. We also decided to come here with our friends who are drinkers and drink without worrying about our wallets, so we went for this one which was relatively reasonable. Yes, this is a good place where you can drink nirvana tortoise at a reasonable price 🎶Thank you for finding a good place for us, Mr. Manager! It is such a delicious sip of microcarbonation 😂. But I was able to drink relatively slowly because I was excited to talk about the old days with the people around me. The rags of the company's dorms are still a lot of fun, no matter how many years have passed. I heard that in the old days (before I joined the company), two men lived together in a six-mat room with tatami mats in the men's dormitory. If those conditions existed today, I doubt anyone would enter. The walls in Numazu's dormitory are so thin that you can even hear the TV 😅.
⭐︎ Good morning, Ane-san. I didn't know there was such a good restaurant in Mizonokuchi 😁. Great lineup. So it's a farewell party 😢.
Good morning, Duke Shibuya! I'm sure you know what I mean when I say former Youka's place, right? Youka was good, but it's even better. I'm looking forward to a bright future career change 🔆.