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Gakki Masamune本醸造 別撰中取り
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A four-part bottle purchased at Masaruya Sake Shop in Machida. This is my first time to drink this instrumental Masamune. I couldn't find the standard green label, so I bought this one of the same Nakadori. It is sweeter than I imagined. The taste is surprising to my tongue, which learned to appreciate sake in Niigata. It is fruity and sweet, with a strong sense of umami, but the acidity makes it not too heavy, and it has the sense of being able to be quickly snapped out of it. It is very delicious. I started drinking it at 5°C, but as it approached room temperature, it became mellower and more rounded. It is a great sake that lives up to its reputation. Next time, I would like to taste the green label.