Well, well, well, today is the Doll's Festival, the Peach Festival. I opened a bottle of Momoten🍑, also known as Momoten💁.
After the sizzling sound of gas escaping subsided, we opened the bottle: ‼︎
First, let's start with the top 😁.
It is tangy and sweet 😋😋.
It is hard to believe that it is 15 degrees Celsius, so I drank the first glass easily. ☺️
The second glass after mixing the orikiri, the sweetness is followed by the deliciousness: ☺️
I think I'm going to end up drinking too much 🤣.
It's the first time in a year‼︎ It's delicious!
Good evening, Mr. Swissisan!
Momoten for the Peach Festival?
You are really good at combining sake with it, it's quirky ✨.
And the review looks delicious 🎵
I got mine and I'm looking forward to drinking it 😋.
Good evening, ma-ki-, ‼︎
I chose it because of the peach connection😁.
I'm sure you'll buy them again next year👍
They are really delicious, so please enjoy them☆.