Musubi Yui特別純米酒 きたしずく 生酒
Long time no yui yui.
It's Sanzen Sakura ver.
Mmmm, it's really good. ☺️
The aroma of this sake makes you think it's jungin even though it's tokushun. It's a good thing that the aroma is jungin or junjun! ←That's just my opinion!
And the first sake rice "Kitashizuku" in a long time!
I like this one very much 🥰.
I also like Ginpu and Comet! ←All of them 🤣.
I'm getting lost in the vein of this story 💦.
As for snacks
Horse Sashimi
Horse Sashimi!
It goes well with it! It's so good 😊
Good morning, Miyabi 😃!
The light blue label of the Yui wine looks great with the red meat of the horse 😍our vectors are all pointing in the right direction 😆 and it all ends up being delicious 😙.
Hello J&N 😊
'Our vectors point in all directions.'
That's a great quote!
I'll have to remember that! ...φ(...) Memo memo 😆