SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Okunokami純米中取り 直汲み 生酒
Okunokami Check-in 1
Okunokami Check-in 2Okunokami Check-in 3
A while ago, after finishing work at a customer's place, I stopped by a liquor store near there 😆. I saw your post on sakéwa and wanted to have a drink. I found Yamori. There are 3 kinds, but which one should I choose? I decided to buy the summery blue bottle! I bought it! It's fresh and shwashy in the mouth! It's like this! It's like this 😋. There's also a feeling that goes through your nose. What is this sweetness? Is it like a sweet flavor? The sweetness is combined with a soft acidity Delicious! As the range of action expands, so does the sake 😄😄.