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Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 空海 Inflight 純米吟醸無濾過原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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和酒処天ぷら たかさん
The third coolest 🆒. Looking at the cold storage, there are many kinds of sake! Tonight, let's try something unusual instead of Kyushu sake! What a great selection of three kinds of Kangiku! First, Kukai! I've had it several times, and I think it's right to say that it enriches your mind. Fittingly, we added oden 🍢 to the list. Kinchaku and gyoza tempura! It tastes good too! It was also included in the tempura soup, but you can add a little yuzu kosho (Japanese citrus pepper) to broaden the flavor. extensive knowledge The second OCEAN series from Kangiku, which you have been waiting for. It is a sequel to Departure, which was released in winter, and is a summer-only, unfiltered, unfiltered sake [Kukai Inflight]. As the concept suggests, this is a summer-only, single-firing, unfiltered unpasteurized sake that aims to be refreshing and juicy in just the right way. Enjoy it cooled down on a hot day and feel refreshed. Alcohol content: 15%. Sake meter: -1.0 Acidity: 1.6 Rice used: Sake rice Rice polishing ratio: 55 Condition: Fire-brewed