SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
月の井生酛純米 生原酒純米生酛原酒生酒
月の井 Check-in 1月の井 Check-in 2
月の井 Check-in 3月の井 Check-in 4
Sashimi are served one after another. Halibut and fresh farmed mackerel! Sake is served next before you even know it in a faceted glass. What kind of sake is that? Tsuki no I, it's my first time! I'll read the endorsement just to be sure Oops, it's a pure rice sake with 20 degrees alcohol by volume! Let's drink it with care! The aroma smells a bit of alcohol. It is dry with a little sourness on the palate. It was quite a heavy sake! The master recommended this kind of dry sake to go with fresh sashimi. Perhaps tonight's sake lineup will bring us some new encounters! You can see the bottles chilled in ice water in front of you! knowledge Alcohol content: 20 degrees Celsius Sake degree: +6.5 Acidity: 2.7 Rice used: Chiyonishiki Rice polishing ratio: 60 Condition: Nama-shu