SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Inexperienced cold and blizzard! I was not sure whether to go for hot sake or nigori sake, but I decided to open this one this time because the image of snowy landscape = nigori sake👍. When I opened the bottle and poured it, the aroma was sweet and pure, like a pear. On the palate, there is a sweetness like melon or pear in addition to the carbonation. The clean quality of the Gunma sake is also matched with the local brand name, and I can only think that Machida Shuzo is the quintessential local brewer! When stirred, it becomes more moist without losing any of its freshness, and it's almost like biting into a pear! It is smooth and milky while still giving a fruity and vivid taste. The carbonation also gives it a flavor reminiscent of melon soda or cream soda✨. The first winter in a new place, the strongest cold wave and snowstorm. Life is full of different things, but it only makes me realize that this is a great place to brew sake 🥶.
Hi stst, ☀️ Machida Sake Brewery, I've never seen anything but that label before 😳‼️ I see it's a local product! Looks delicious and I'm jealous❣️ It's cold in the brewery, isn't it? Please take care of yourself and do your best😊🙏
Good evening and thank you, Pon-chan! I am convinced that the label is popular both inside and outside of the prefecture ✨.