SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Tenbi Check-in 1Tenbi Check-in 2
Yesterday, I took the wrong train home and arrived home late at night. I opened a bottle of Amami to cheer up my mood with sake, but I fell asleep. But I fell asleep. I fell asleep. This is the second bottle of Amami's Setouchi Shihankachi. The first bottle was so good that we had high expectations. The aroma is not so strong. It is hard to describe, but it is peachy and lychee-like. The gasiness is strong. It is relatively dry and the sweetness is moderate. However, the acidity is quite strong and makes the mouth tight. When cold, it has a strong alcohol taste, but as it approaches room temperature, the alcohol taste weakens and the acidity becomes the main taste. The aftertaste is acidity and astringency. This is a sake that changes the impression of Amami. The usual gentle atmosphere becomes quite strong. I guess it did not exceed my expectations. I think I'll decide on the third bottle after I see how it goes.