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Takashimaya (大阪タカシマヤ)
Takashimaya Sake Festival (9) Regional Trading Company Yamaguchi ② 〜The Establishment of Regional Trading Company Yamaguchi Yamaguchi Prefecture and Yamaguchi Bank have been preparing for the establishment of a regional trading company led by Yamaguchi Bank as a new initiative for regional development based on a joint concept, in which the private sector will market prefectural products outside the region, such as in the Tokyo metropolitan area. As part of these efforts, a regional trading company wholly owned by the private sector, "Regional Trading Company Yamaguchi Co. According to the person in charge, the company handles not only sake but also various other prefectural products. We tasted the following Gohashi Junmai Ginjo G# Yamada-Nishiki, low al dryness, made with a raw yeast yeast. Hmmm, much drier than the usual Gobashi? Classic impression...