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Daina純米吟醸 にごり酒生純米吟醸生酒にごり酒
Daina Check-in 1Daina Check-in 2
Daina Check-in 3Daina Check-in 4
Tochigi Sake Ona Special Junmai Nigori Nama This sake is from Tochigi Prefecture. I found out about it from SakeLabo's X. I bought it because it happened to be sold at a sake shop I usually go to. I bought it because it happened to be sold at a liquor store I usually go to. I have been drinking only nigori sake since December. I can only drink it now, so I can't help it. This sake has a sake strength of -9, but it doesn't seem so sweet. Rather, it has a strong acidity. It has a sharp sharpness to it. It is similar to Takeyuki's nigori sake. Takeyuki is more dry than sour. The sweetness of the rice can be felt, so the feeling may change after a while. As a food sake, it was great with simmered dishes! Degree of liking 8/10
Good morning, nenemu 😃. Ona nigori! It's delicious 😋 Eh! Is this -9 😳I got it at the beginning of last year and wrote that it was not sweet and delicious 😋. We have the same sensation 😊.