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Wakamusume十二秘色 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I tried "Wakamusume" for the first time, which was regularly available at a nearby liquor store, but I had not been able to get my hands on it. It has a gentle taste with a slight sparkle and a refreshing, lactic sweetness that quickly settles on the tongue. The "secret color" is said (from the label on the back of the bottle) to be the color of the "junihitoe" or "twelve-layered kimono," and the gradation of flavors makes this a chic sake to enjoy. Take a long sip with the soy-sauce flavored heartfish and then drink this one, and you will be in an endless loop of deliciousness. This is a bottle that makes you want to enjoy other brands of "Wakamusume" as well. It is delicious. ‼️
Hi Takatsugu😃 Congratulations on your first wakamusume ㊗️ 🎉Congrats on your first wakamusume! I googled it and found out it's "Tokoroten" 😄 interesting combination 😋. I hope you enjoy other wakamusume! Enjoy 👋
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ The wakamusume was delicious ❗️ I will explore the other musumes 🍶. In summer, there are so many dishes that go well with cold sake, so it's fun to have a hard time deciding what to have with your sake...