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日本酒立呑みバー 正杜屋
<Fruity, sweet, zu-zu-zu-zu-zu-zu, Aldo Don This "Karahashi" is a relatively new brand named after the brewer's family name, Karahashi. The sake is said to be made with the utmost attention to quality, including refrigerated storage at -5°C until just before shipment, just to put his own name on the front. This is something to look forward to. Let's drink it right away. The aroma is a refreshing muscat with a pleasant alcohol taste. On the palate, there is a tangy, slightly carbonated taste, followed by a melon fruity taste. The attack is not strong, but I have a feeling it will be thick. As I thought, as I expected, the sweetness came right away. Then, more sweetness and bitterness. Finally, the rich sweet alcohol. The alcohol content is 16 degrees, but it has the strength of 17-18 degrees. Yum! If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be the young Dora from "Laputa: Castle in the Sky. She is a very cute but powerful pirate girl. Satisfaction: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.