SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Gakki Masamune出羽燦々 中取り純米吟醸
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It's a three-day weekend. I don't have any special plans, so I will spend it relaxing. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I'll do my best to digest my reading piles😅. Today, I'm going to have a bottle of Masamune, which I got because I was attracted by Dewa Sanpaku. The aroma is like the sweet taste of freshly cooked rice and honey of flowers. It smells so good that I was sniffing it for a while. The mouthful of this sake is filled with a crisp acidity and sweet flavor, and then it disappears in a flash. I thought I wanted to drink sake that goes well with grilled fish since it is autumn, but I still prefer to buy this type of sake.