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AramasaColors 生成 エクリュ 直汲純米生酛
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The first Shinmasa is an ecru directly pumped. I got this bottle as part of Sakeya Masuruya's birthday project. For a month, I was torn between wanting to drink it quickly before it lost its flavor and feeling that it would be a shame to drink it, but today, my personal anniversary, I finally opened the bottle. My first impression was delicate and clear. Fresh sweet and sour with fresh slight bubbles. The sweetness and acidity are both strongly felt, yet the taste is thin and transparent. It is so clear that you don't even feel the alcohol. There is no outstanding individuality, but the impression is that the balance is very good, and the level of balance is outstanding. Before drinking it, I was worried whether I would be able to appreciate the taste of Niimasa and whether I would be able to tell the difference from other sakes, but after drinking it, I could clearly sense the difference. No, it is possible that my expectations influenced my evaluation, but since it is a luxury item, I think that is fine. Our meal was caprese and carpaccio, and the sweet and sour taste and microbubbles matched perfectly. I avoided some of the sashimi before making the carpaccio and had it with soy sauce and wasabi, but I felt the carpaccio went better with it. I don't know when I will encounter this sake again, but I am looking forward to that day.
Good evening Hori 😃. On what is your anniversary 😆Congratulations on your first Shinsei ㊗️ 🎉The direct pumping wrapped in a bag is very special 😊It's delicious and I can tell you had a very happy time 🤗.
Thank you Jay & Nobby for your comments 😊I thought all the Shinsei was in the bag, but it wasn't! There was also a serial number on the back of the lower tag ✨. It was a great experience ☺️