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勢正宗もち米熱掛四段仕込み 純米酒 火入れ純米
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Utsukuchi type Ingredient rice: 90% Hitogochi from Nagano, 10% Hime no Mochi Polishing ratio: 70% Alcohol content: 16% Yeast used: Association 1401 Junmai Ginjo-shu made with sake brewing rice in a three-stage brewing process, with glutinous rice added in the fourth stage. The four-stage hot glutinous rice brewing is a traditional technique in which steamed glutinous rice is thrown into the tank while still hot during the second half of fermentation. It was dry, crisp, and easy to drink, which one would not expect from a sake made with 70% polished rice. When cold, it had a hard, mineral taste, but when heated, the aroma opened up and the sake became easy to drink. It was a delicious sake.