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Aramasaヴィリジアン 2025純米生酛原酒
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I got two bottles of Shinmasa at a liquor store on my trip. It was my first time drinking at home, or rather, I had never had it outside. I compared them to see what they were like. It was a great Sunday treat. The aroma is slightly peculiar. The taste is very good, and I am convinced that this is Shinsei. It was as if the whole tongue was receptive, rather than just a part of it reacting strongly. The acidity is just right. I thought it had a good balance, a good salty taste, and a good balance, a perfect middle ground with depth, which is a contradictory balance. I'm going to drink it carefully over several days.
Good evening, Wuhousha 😃. Congratulations on getting your first Shinsei on your trip to ㊗️ 🎉Please enjoy it well 🤗.