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Omon夢 純米大吟醸ひやおろし純米大吟醸ひやおろし
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Sake Museum PONSHU-KAN (ぽんしゅ館)
Oomon Shuzo's Oomon Yume Junmai Daiginjo Hiyoroshi! This year, I often encounter Oomon's sake that I want to drink. It is a little expensive, but it is Yume no Hiyahoroshi. It has a calm aroma and a mild mouthfeel. Mellow mouthfeel and slightly sweet, matured and mellow flavor. Delicious. The weather is becoming more and more like autumn. Even though it is only September. This year, I worked hard on pruning and taking care of the maple trees in my garden, so I hope to see nice autumn leaves. I want to have a drink under the clear autumn sky with the autumn leaves. === Rice Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Rice: Niigata Prefecture rice Polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol Content:16%. Sake Degree: -1 1,980 yen for 720ml === ★★★★☆