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Mimurosugi夏純 山田錦原酒
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🎐 This bottle is cool from the outside. The color, pattern, and texture are very Japanese summery, and very elegant. The aroma is very mild and clean with grapefruit-like acidity and rummy. When you drink it, you feel a slight tingling. Light and refreshing, not that sweet rumminess, a little sourness on the side of the tongue. The end is full-bodied with a slight bitterness. Finishes with sourness. It goes down the throat smoothly and is pleasant on a hot day. After swallowing, you may feel a little bit of alcohol, but it's only 14%, so it goes down easy. After opening the bottle, there is no major change in taste. (I haven't left it for a few days to check the taste change...) It's almost no shwash, but there's a strange rummy feeling to it. It's a refreshing swishy, slightly sweet and sour rumminess. It was a very light and tasty summer sake that I kept on drinking.
Hello Kotaro😊. I like the Mimuro cedar summer jun 👍I haven't been able to buy it yet, so I'm jealous 😆. I totally understand the rummy feel of Mimuro Sugi. It has a great balance of sweet and sour, doesn't it?
Hi Maru, good evening 🌟. Mimuro Sugi, it has a rummy feel 😳🫧 and as you said, the balance is great no matter which one you drink 👏✨. The Summer Jun was also unbeatable 😋 if you come across it, please catch it immediately 😆👍.