SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hanamura純米吟醸 出羽燦々純米吟醸
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木下名酒店 千里中央店
Today's main course is my favorite Hanamup 😀. Junmai Ginjo Dewa Sanzu that I had stored in the fridge 😀 We paired it with a junmai ginjo Omachi from the same Hanamai Oup that we had previously opened, and an Okuidumo Banana that we opened yesterday 😀. Since it is a sweet sake, I served it with sashimi, but all the sakes were so good that it was hard to say which one was better than the other 😀. If I may say so, I would say Dewa Sanzan 😀 The wife likes Hana Yuu's Omachi 😀.