SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Michizakura Check-in 1Michizakura Check-in 2
First spring sake! I'll have a Sakura nigori from Sanzen Sakura 🍶. The label is the deciding factor! Cute and very spring-like illustration. I've bought many other spring sake, but this one takes the cake in terms of design alone! The bottle is still nigori, so it's carbonated. I didn't have a corkscrew, so I had to keep squeezing the cap to get to the drinking part 😅😅. However, the freshly-opened sizzle can only be experienced with nigori! Personally, the carbonation was the strongest I've ever had 🫧. Tastes like yogurt 🐮. The sweetness is relatively low, and the bitterness of the nigori is more noticeable. I felt that if the acidity was more noticeable, the yogurt flavor might have been stronger. The alcohol content is 8%. Low! It tastes light and is low in alcohol, so it is very easy to drink! I would recommend it to beginners. I've only had nigori sake that was quite silky, but I like the mellow taste of this one! Maybe this one is more to my liking 🤔. Some days the weather is nice, but it's been cold and rainy... the season hasn't caught up with the sake 😭 Harusame mo yafu no oshunjanaika 🎵