SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT さがびより原酒生酒無濾過
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This is the third bottle of Snow Crescent. The first bottle was Yamadanishiki, but the second and third bottles were from Sagabiyori. Again, the taste was stable and delicious. Grapefruit-like flavor with a woody atmosphere. The clearly perceptible fizz invites you to take another sip, making it an unstoppable, unstoppable sake. This was the first time I finished a four-pack in one sitting. I think the high repeat rate of Snow Crescent is not only because it is delicious, but also because it has a unique character. Although my experience level with sake is still low, I feel that it has a unique flavor that is unlike any other sake I have ever tasted. Conversely, it is a sake that can be liked or disliked, but fortunately for me, it is one of my top "favorite" sakes. It's very tasty, I like it, and it's relatively always available. This was the third bottle that convinced me that I am sure to repeat the experience. *I drank it, so the bottle and the glass are water.