SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hiryuひりゅう 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
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Tonight, I popped into the restaurant at 7:50pm. The waitress asked if it was okay if we served drinks until 8pm. No problem. I looked at the sake menu. An unfamiliar brand! What a nice name! It's Junmai Daiginjo, so it's fruity and easy to drink. It's light and refreshing. When I looked it up, I found that it was made by the same brewery that makes Hakurakusei and Atago no Matsu in Miyagi Prefecture. Knowledge This is a limited-edition product from the brewer of Hakurakusei and Atago no Matsu, both of which are popular as sake-within-a-sake. It is a Junmai Daiginjo brewed with 50% polished Asahi from Okayama Prefecture." The name "Hiryu" means "to be able to deliver the highest quality to the world like a dragon flying in the sky. The name "Hiryu" expresses the evolution of food sake. The sake has a clean and crisp taste with an honest sweetness from the rice called Asahi grown in Okayama Prefecture, and you can enjoy the changes in taste as you drink and eat more and more. It is sweeter than Hakurakusei and has a fruity finish. It is very popular among sake beginners, and is also a great gift. Once you take a sip, you will be captivated by Hiryu! It is a Junmai Daiginjo with excellent cost performance.