SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Kamoizumi純米吟醸 朱泉本仕込
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[Fill in the Map Series No.6] Hiroshima Kamoizumi Shuzo [Kamoizumi Junmai Ginjo Shuizumi Honjikomi] ✨. Is the "." in "sake" in the center of the label a logo? Is it a brand name? I'm not sure how to read it lol. It's a Junmai Ginjo, but the aroma has a grainy feel to it. When poured, it's a bit of a yamabuki color, with a hint of old sake in the beginning, but as it progresses, it develops a nice richness and flavor✨.
I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who's trying to win the national championship. I️ am almost there, so let's try to win the national championship!
Good morning, tkmt ☀️. I want to do as much as I can to fill in the map during the summer and prepare for fall/winter 😊. But I'm going to slow down because it's the season of good beer🤣.