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Hidakami純米純辛 山田錦純米
Hidakami Check-in 1
Hidakami's Junmai Junkara is brewed with all Yamada Nishiki.  It has a mild, fruity aroma and a not too assertive flavor and sharpness. It is not so dry as to be called dry, and as it is marketed as being good with fish, I thought it would go well with sashimi and sushi. It is an orthodox food sake. In Miyagi Prefecture, it is a perfect match for Hakurakusei. Hirakou Shuzo is located in Ishinomaki City and suffered considerable damage in the Great East Japan Earthquake, but it seems to have been rebuilt with support from all over Japan. We had it at Ebisu Sore Gashi in March. We enjoyed it with food.