SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
DATE SEVEN宮寒梅純米大吟醸
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I drank it about a week ago. Smoothly and slowly pour into a wine glass. Turn it lightly and enjoy it from the scent. Very gorgeous, you will feel like you are in a field of roses. The sip is very fruity and juicy, with its aroma spreading to the mouth. It's not sticky and its flavors disappear beautifully, and its aftertaste is delightful. Seven brewers in Miyagi Prefecture brewed DATE SEVEN in collaboration. It was planned by seven brewers who got together at a drinking establishment. The story of the challenge to Shinsei Shuzo is famous. This is a very stylish and emo drink that will be uncorked at 7 PM on July 7. Wishing the drinker happiness, it's lovely. This year's event was led by my favorite brewer, Kanbae Shuzo, who brews Miyaganbae, my favorite sake. Their catchphrase is "A sake that brings spring to the heart. That's exactly what it is. It was delicious again this year.