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Izumibashi恵 海老名耕地純米
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Opened more than a month after purchase. 40℃. The aroma of alcohol is followed by a very strong sourness. After the acidity, a sense of minerality emerges, and the final taste is both pungent and bitter. Should the temperature be raised? The official recommendation is 50-55°C. 50°C. At 50℃, the aroma is almost gone, and although it is sour, sweet potato-like sweetness spreads afterwards, and finally it becomes pungent and finishes. 60℃ seems to be the best temperature, as the sourness is reduced. Cold sake is also good as the sourness is reduced and the umami slowly expands, but I prefer it at higher temperatures. The sake has a Sake meter value of +18, but it does not give the impression of being dry.