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Sohomare生酛仕込 純米70 生原酒純米生酛原酒生酒
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函館 地元家
This restaurant has a wide variety of dishes on the menu. There are quite a few Chinese dishes, so I ordered Bean Curd with Bean Paste! A little different from Fukurokuju's Bean Curd! Not too spicy! It goes well with sake! Let's have another order here! Not the same one, but a brand I'm interested in, Souhomare for the first time! There are many Tochigi sake that I am interested in! Starting with my favorite, Houou Mita. Compared to the two starting brands, this one has a fruity, apple- and pear-like flavor. It is a fruity sake with a hint of apple pear. It makes a strong statement. It is one of my favorite sakes! If you find this brand again, let's drink it again. This sake is made in Ichikai-cho, Haga-gun, Tochigi Prefecture. We used to play a baseball game against Ichikai Junior High School. I was a member of the Moka Junior High School baseball team! We have a junior high school reunion at the end of April, so I'll have to arrange the schedule somehow! extensive knowledge Rice used: Yamadanishiki (Hyogo Prefecture, special A district) Rice polishing ratio 70%. Degree of alcohol content 17