SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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The most important event in my own sake topic this winter was the introduction of the sake heater "Nonbee Yokocho". I've always been a fan of heated sake, especially in the fall and winter, but the convenience of being able to freely control the temperature of heated sake on the table is wonderful, and I'm enjoying heated sake at different temperatures once again. Aibaya Sake Shop, which appears in the recommendation comments of the "Yumbei Yokocho" advertisement, recommends the Rice Hyakudara Junmai Sake. I've had it at room temperature for a while, and while it's not flashy, it has a rich flavor and is deeply delicious lukewarm, making it a good evening sake.
Hiraccio-san, good morning 😃Hiraccio-san taught me how to warm up sake in our house too, in the Nonbe Yokocho, so it's easier now 😊It was cold yesterday, so I enjoyed heating up a variety of sake that had already been opened 😀.
Good morning, Harry Sakeboy. It was cold yesterday, suitable for heating up. Yes, it is convenient to heat up opened bottles of sake a little bit at a time. It's still going to be cold at night until the end of next week, so we can enjoy heated sake.