熊谷 朋之
Good evening! 🙋
Today is March 3, the Doll Festival 🎎.
After a warm weekend, today is a different story, a bitter cold one. 🥶.
It is a cold temperature difference that is enduring to the body regardless of age.
I uploaded the other day, drinking with my senpai in Tokyo, but I forgot to mention the Uguisu (Japanese bush warbler) in my garden.
The owner of the restaurant and the head brewer of Garden no Ugusu are acquaintances, so I was a bit surprised to see that they have everything from junmai to daiginjo.
I was a little surprised to see that they have everything from junmai to daiginjo. My senpai chose the first one because he had never tried sake from Kyushu before, but I forgot to upload it because I didn't take a picture of the bottle. 😅
This brand of doburoku was very good.
The Junmai Ginjo is very mild and soft, and the tension is high right from the start! 😁.
It was very tasty.