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This is Gekko from Koei Kiku. It was one of the 3-bottle set of Sakepo Masariya's "Home Drinking Support Set". I bought this set to get the "corked bottle," but I was lucky to find my favorite Koei-Kiku in the set, which has a strong gacha element. Moreover, I had been hesitant to purchase Gekko because of its price, so I felt it was fate that brought us together. I was afraid to open the bottle because the Snow Crescent I drank just before had the fastest launch speed when opening the bottle, but the bottle opened normally without any flying. The taste is shocking. The dense sweetness and overflowing deliciousness spread out the moment we drank it. The taste was deep and complex, with a hint of bitterness and a woody astringent nuance unique to Kouei Chrysanthemum. After filling the mouth with happiness, the fruity sweetness continues through to the aftertaste, and then recedes neatly with a sense of alcohol with a mellow aroma that passes through the nose. As one would expect from Koei Chrysanthemum, this is their flagship bottle. There was certainly enough satisfaction to justify the price. I am very interested to see if it has a gassy or more complex flavor.