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Denshu一期二会 純米大吟醸 豊盃米48 純米大吟醸
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Mr. Happy
A new unit AQE (Aomori Quattro Experanza) has been formed by volunteer breweries in Aomori Prefecture, and we are buying bottles of sake from a sake bar in Jimbocho that is exclusive to special distributors of the new sake rice-themed project product "Ichigo-Futae - Aomori Sake Rice Project. Drunkenness in summer is scary! Ichigo Futakai Tasake & Kyu Masamune Junmai Daiginjo "Toyobai Rice 48 Aomori's second best rice for sake brewing, "Toyohai". Miura Shuzo grows Toyohai under contract and continues to brew sake, and now Tasake and Hato Masamune are pairing up to make a Junmai Daiginjo using this sake rice. One is Tasake Junmai Daiginjo Toyobai Rice 48 The first one is "Tasake Junmai Daiginjo Toyobai Mai 48" which has a clear and well-balanced flavor with no impurities. It is a very tasty sake that goes down smoothly. Rice used: Toyobai rice grown in Aomori City Polishing ratio: 48 Sake meter degree: +1.0 Acidity: 1.7 Alcohol content: 16