SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
蓬莱鶴奏 Kanade純米吟醸原酒生酒
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In Hiroshima, the destination of my trip. Following lunch, the restaurant I was looking for was full and I couldn't get in at night 🫢. The restaurant I had guessed at was full every time 😭. But I found a very nice sake bar 🍸✨. Before this, I stopped by Yamatoya, a sake shop, and bought some Hiroshima sake, but they recommended a sake that they make originally from Yamatoya that they said was fruity, so I gave it a try. Lately, a lot of liquor stores are making original sake, but as expected, they are making delicious and easy to drink for everyone. ❗️ This one also has a soft sweet aroma 🐽 when you put your mouth to the glass. It was fresh and fresh and easy to drink. Yup, delicious✨