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宮寒梅White time純米吟醸にごり酒
宮寒梅 Check-in 1宮寒梅 Check-in 2
宮寒梅 Check-in 3宮寒梅 Check-in 4
Sake from Miyagi Prefecture Miyakanbai Winter Time Junmai Ginjo Nigori Sake This is a nigori sake made by Miyakanbai. It has a light, snowy color and a fine carbonation that is quite strong. It has a fruity aroma, and when you drink it, the acidity comes on strong. After that comes the sweetness and umami that is typical of Miyakanume, and the sourness remains at the end. Compared to Miyakanme Ooragarami, the stronger carbonation makes the sourness more noticeable. After a few days, the carbonation disappears and the sourness settles down. Then the sweetness, umami, and sourness become mellow, and the taste becomes gentle, which is typical of Miyakanbai. It is not easy to find, but I would like to try Spring Time next time. Degree of liking 9/10