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Tenka純米大吟醸 無濾過原酒 亀の尾純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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いざか家 花太郎
Comparison of Tenka The other kind is Kame-no-o label. I've had Kame no O a few times, and it's delicious! As I expected, it is sweet and tasty, the opposite of green banana! The freshness is the same! The snack was your first wasabi shell? I didn't know what it was like! A local recommended it to me, saying it was delicious and would go well with sake! Indeed, the wasabi alone is enough to make the drinks go down a treat! I will order it again next time! extensive knowledge Gentle ginjo aroma from the brewer's yeast D-29, and the characteristic deep rice flavor unique to "Kame-no-o". Rice used: Kame-no-o Polishing ratio 50%. Yeast: Kurazuke D-29 Sake degree -5 Acidity 1.7 Amino acidity 0.8 Alcohol 15