SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Shosetsu純米大吟醸 天満月 あまみつき純米大吟醸
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My daughter invited me and my wife to a hot spring resort during our summer vacation. She invited my wife and I to a hot spring resort. She even drives us there and back in her car! Thank you 😊. I found a hidden hot spring hotel in Yugawara. I chose this place because it was mentioned as an auberge with good food! They also have a lot of sake listed on the menu! Then let's go for the 3 sake tasting! I had no choice but to try the Junmai Daiginjo Tenmangetsu Amamitsuki from Masayuki, which was a first for me! The yellow label is eye-catching! Not much of an aroma! Light and fruity on the palate! It has a Japanese pear flavor. The food is far better than expected! The tableware is also beautiful! The use of ingredients is also innovative! My wife and daughter were impressed and impressed as they had never experienced this way of eating before! Now, let's drink the other two kinds of sake! extensive knowledge of the ingredients used Amamitsuki" is another name for the full moon that fills the night sky. Rice used: 35% Yamadanishiki from Hyogo Prefecture, 50% Gin-Ginga from Iwate Prefecture Polishing ratio: 50%. Sake meter: +4 Acidity: 1.2 Alcohol content・・・15〜16%.