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Fukucho秋櫻 純米吟醸 ひやおろし純米吟醸ひやおろし
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I was very interested in the match two years ago, so I decided to play again this time. Jacket value ... 10/10 The green bottle + this label color scheme is great! Ki ... 15/20 The smell is thicker in Alc component, but it has a roundness of hiyaoroshi correction. It has a strong appeal to the palate. Sei... 14/20 It has sweetness and umami, but it lacks excitement, but it is not lacking. The acid accent should not be forgotten. The balance is not to be forgotten. The smell of sublimation, which has finally become clear, is like barley syochu liqueur, but it is not unpleasant. It has a round taste, and the stinginess of Alc comes out... Yui ... 12/20 The taste is good for the sense of touch, but not for the sense of taste. COSPA ... 6/10 The price of things are expensive these days. The taste is good, but it's fragile. 72 points