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Beau Michellesnowfantasy in summer(夏季限定)
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Saku City, Nagano Prefecture. Banno Sake Brewery Co. Beau Michelle snowfantasy in summer Yes, this is Beau Michelle. I thought I had never had this summer sake, but I had it about 2 years ago... I had it about 2 years ago... I will have it cold. Be careful when opening the bottle: ⚠️ When I opened the bottle, I thought I heard a gas sound, and then fine bubbles came up and suddenly pushed up the surface of the water. I was caught off guard, so I hurriedly tightened the bottle and opened it a little more. The color was a light nigori, so it was slightly white. The top aroma is melon-like. The mouthfeel is bubbly with fine bubbles and silky. The taste was the same as before, still sweet like a Shine Muscat. It was as delicious as before. Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Alcohol content: 9 Polishing ratio: 48