SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from the West Harima region of Hyogo Prefecture - Yamazaki-cho, Shiso City. A town of clear streams in the mountains. Pungent and sweet with a spiciness that works well from the start. When you include the athetes, the sweetness expands a little and comes to catch you. It is quite pleasant sweetness. After that, the spiciness flutters loosely. The good taste makes you want to drink the next one. How about if you heat it up? The spiciness comes with a bang! At room temperature, the sweetness comes to catch it, but when warmed up, the spiciness comes to catch it. The spiciness also goes from fluttering loosely to crisp and firmly disappears. The flavor changes between room temperature and warmed. It is quite interesting.