SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Yuki no Bosha純米吟醸
hyyskThe liquor store I've been going to lately had a Yukino Kayasha, so I bought it. I have a lot of sake when I get home: ......... (laughs) When you take a sip, you get the impression that it's beautiful and clear. It's dry and crisp, but you can also taste the flavor and it's a well-balanced sake 😊It's easy to drink and perfect for a mid-meal drink 🥰This might be one of your reserve sakes 😋
おやじぃGood evening. Even if you have a lot of them, you still buy them, that's a fact 😅
hyyskGood evening, old man. Thank you for everything! I still end up buying them, don't I? And when I get home, they get angry at me for not having a place to put it (laughs).
T.KISOGood evening, 🎵. It's my local brew, but I personally think that Yukino Kayasha is the number one balanced sake from Akita 😄.
hyyskGood evening, T.KISO! All the sake from Akita is something I'd like to try 😋 2nd day of opening the bottle of Snow Chayasha. It's even more gorgeous and delicious than yesterday! It's a really good drink!