SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Kuromatsusenjoこんな夜に‥ 雷鳥純米生酒おりがらみ
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Junmai Namaishu 🍶An evening like this... Raidori ✨Miyamanishiki from Shinshu🌾. New sake and matured sake comparison at the "Yuku Sake Kuru Sake" party at Jizakaya Kodama 😆 The new sake was a bit sharp and tasty with a bit of a kick. The new sake is a bit angular and has a nice schwa flavor, while the 2017 aged sake is surprisingly fresh✨. A bit of bubbles spouting out. Aroma of rice and koji. Dry taste. Delicious 😋. 6 different kinds of sake to compare with Chodama style henkannabe 😆. Denya Gyo-togi @ Otsuka Cho Kodama no Kai 20231223