SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Katafune Check-in 1Katafune Check-in 2
[10/17-18 on vacation] At the second restaurant we visited in Niigata. The food here was delicious and the drinks went on and on. Sorry for the rough impressions, but here are my impressions of each drink (1) Katafune Junmai Sake ...An apple-like aroma. The taste is clean and refreshing with a hint of apple. (2) Takachiyo Blue Label ...I had heard that Hiragana Takachiyo was sweet, and it was true. It was characterized by its rich sweetness. 3. ...It is very easy to drink, and gives the impression of being THE Niigata. Tsururei Junmai Ginjo ...This is a well-balanced sake that is easy to drink with a hint of rice flavor. (5) Niidashi Zensyu Junmai-Ginjo ...Fruity and juicy like a melon. It's honestly delicious. 6. Ganjin Yamahai Junmai Ginjo Original Sake ...It was a delicious drink to drink warm. We ate and drank a lot of things, but the food and sake in Niigata is delicious!
Good evening! You drank both Kanji Takachiyo and Hiragana Takachiyo! There's a Niigata Sake event in Sendai at the end of March, so I'll try some of the Kanji Takachiyo if I can find it! They may have already left, but be careful on the road!
Good evening, drinker! I got home safely last night. I drank a lot this past Saturday and Sunday. Takachiyo and Takachiyo were so different directions I was surprised 😳 I'm going to try Takachiyo next time!