SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Today was an inspiring day in the men's halfpipe! Congratulations! Let's celebrate! So, let's open a bottle. Today's sake is "Tedorigawa Junmai Nigori Sake Hakutobuki". The last time I drank Dot's sake, I almost spilled the bottle, so I was careful this time. It was as squishy as I expected. It took me 10 minutes to open it. I poured it while it was still sizzling in the bottle. Let's eat! Mmmm! Refreshing and delicious, just as I expected! It's a refreshing taste reminiscent of Dot-san. But I think I can taste more of the sake in this one, both in aroma and flavor. The taste is smooth and the alcohol content is only 14 degrees, so I found myself drinking almost half of it. I have to work tomorrow, so I'll have to moderate. The price is also less than 1,500 yen, so I thought it was nice.