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Shichiken Check-in 1
Shichiken Check-in 2Shichiken Check-in 3
Sake I know the name of but have never drunk before. Yes, it is Shichiken. What does it taste like? I bought it out of curiosity and drank it. Well, the first aroma is a sweet and gorgeous fruit aroma that spreads softly. This is what a tenkoshu aroma is like! It has a sweetness like Yamadanishiki or Miyamanishiki. It is said to be best served cold, so we served it cold. When it is poured into the mouth, it is very refreshing. There is not much acidity, and the refreshing sweetness makes it easy to drink. It tastes just like water. This is the taste of the gooseberry! When it is poured down the back of the throat, it has a nice sharp taste with a moderate aftertaste, which makes you want to drink it again. This time I paired it with yudofu (tofu), and it also goes well with it! So, the taste of "Ten Go Go" is not a joke. There are many varieties of Shichiken, so I thought I would buy it again if I find a name that interests me. Thank you for the delicious sake.