SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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The booth of Yutaka Sake Brewery "Hana Shokudo" in Fukui Prefecture. I had never seen this brand before, but the brewing process had changed, and I was allowed to try some of the few remaining limited editions that were not on the list 😋. Again, the brewery's staff was very helpful and friendly, and they told us what we should drink. Sparkling Methode Rurale" "ANOTHER-KURO-Nama ANOTHER-SHIRO-Nama "Hanasoku Limited Edition Ginsei" 🔴. The "Hanashoku Limited Edition Ginsei" has a rich fruity flavor, and the "ANOTHER-KURO-SHIRO-SHIRO" has a unique aroma. ANOTHER-SHIRO-Nama" has a very sweet aroma and tastes like pineapple.