SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Senkinハローワールド byサケラボトーキョー生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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This is the second volume of SAKELABO TOKYO's PB "SENKYO Hello World (hereafter HW)". Since the first product was unavailable before the sake boom, it was a must to obtain the second product. I was told that it was "a supreme bottle that was completed with the aim of surpassing the super-popular Snowball," so I kept a bottle of Snowball that I had bought with the intention of drinking it during February and compared them. Since they are both active nigori from the same Sengoku, the flavors were not at all different. HW definitely tastes like it is based on Snowball. The difference between the two is that while the Snowball tastes sweet, it is surprisingly not sweet, the HW tastes distinctly sweet. Furthermore, the bitterness of HW is less than that of Snowball, so it can be enjoyed on its own, and at the same time, it still has a sharp and refreshing taste that is suitable for mid-meal consumption. Also, both have a gaseous feel, but the 2-week-old HW is clearly more gaseous than the Snowball that has been in the fridge for 2 months. This exquisite balance is easy to understand even for a beginner like me, and the high degree of perfection makes it easy to drink, which is why I took it to be "beyond Snowball.
Good evening Hori 😃. Glad you persevered and were able to compare drinks 🤗. Even at the local Tochigi residents' group, where more than a snowball's worth of HW‼️11 people gathered, how many people got zero 😱 I wish I could have drunk it 🥲.
Thank you Jay & Nobby for all your comments ‼️ I've booked it over work 😊. I think that the ⛄️ is just a more catchy finish, there is no superiority or inferiority, and the evaluation will change depending on TPO 🤔.