I saw the Yamori 🦎‼️ that was floating around on Instagram.
I knew I had to buy this one, so I was thrilled to take it home to my usual theme park ‼️ thinking to myself 😭 you stayed behind to come to my house properly.
Let's start with the scent!
It smells sweet and juicy, just like Yamori🦎. It's such an anticipatory scent that makes my mouth overflow with saliva⁉️. ‼️ I'm not sure what it smells like after all, but it's a juicy scent!
Now take a sip‼️🍶🦎!
The moment it enters my mouth, I thought it was sweet ❓ but the bitterness asserts itself a little stronger. I felt it was a dry sake 🍶 with aliveness, bitterness, and sharpness, not a rancid juicy type like the summer Yamoru I drank before.
If you like the usual sweet Yamori, you may have a different impression 🤔.
I think the bitterness will settle down after a few days, so I'm looking forward to it. ‼️🦎
I drank it hot later and it was so delicious 🍶I think I'm going to be addicted to this one, it's one that I'm pushing for hot sake: ‼️🍶.