Shichiken Junmai Ginjo Sake Jikang
57% refined rice, 15° alcoholic strength
Clarity of appearance: with fine air bubbles
Color: transparent
Viscosity: slightly lower
Aroma intensity: medium
Complexity: medium
Ginseng aroma: Apple
Aroma of raw materials: almond tofu, shinshin powder
Maturing fragrance
Performance: Almond tofu and fresh powder as the main raw material aroma, with some banana and apple aromas.
Flavor intensity: medium
Complexity: complex
Sweetness and pungency: medium
Sweetness: Tri-temperature sugar, apple, caramel
Sourness: lactic acid
Bitterness: coffee, carbonic acid
Flavor: rice cake, steamed rice, biscuits, cocoa
Performance: The mouthful of ripe apples has the sweetness of raw material of treacle, and the dense rice cake flavor has the aroma of steamed rice, with some caramel biscuit and cocoa aroma, and a hint of coffee bitterness, and some round acidity. The wine is solid and stable, with a thick and dense bouquet, rich layers of sweetness, and some slight astringency.
Aftertaste: medium
Finish: short
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